Tutti i giovani di età inferiore ai 25 anni che perdono il lavoro, o dopo la scuola non lo trovano, devono poter ricevere un’ offerta diimpiego, di apprendistato o di tirocinio, o un sostegno a continuare la formazione, entro 4 mesi. È quanto stabilito dal Consiglio UE che invita gli Stati membri ad attuare, il più presto possibili, programmi ad hoc, preferibilmente a partire dal 2014. Nei paesi con gravi difficoltà di bilancio e con i maggiori tassi di disoccupazione giovanile, questa è indicata come una priorità fondamentale. La “youth guarantee” è il tentativo di rispondere al crescente peggioramento dell’occupazione giovanile in UE. Una parte delle risorse proverrà dal Fondo sociale europeo, un’altra da una linea di bilancio dedicata all’occupazione giovanile.
per il testo completo delle linee di indirizzo vai al: http://www.west-info.eu/it/deadline-europea-anti-disoccupazione/
Main results of the Council
The Council reached political agreement on a recommendation addressed to the member states to
establish "youth guarantee" schemes that aim to ensure that all young people under the age of 25
who lose their job or do not find work after leaving education quickly receive a good-quality offer
of employment, continued education, an apprenticeship or a traineeship. They should receive such
an offer within four months of becoming unemployed or leaving formal education. The "youth
guarantee" is intended to provide for a smooth transition between school and work, to support
labour market integration and to make sure that no young person is left out. The measure is a key
part of the response to the worsening youth employment conditions across Europe.
Furthermore, the Council held a debate on the employment and social policy aspects of the 2013
European Semester exercise, with a view to contributing to the broader discussions that the
European Council will have at its meeting on 14 and 15 March. In the framework of this debate, the
EPSCO Council
– adopted conclusions providing political guidance for employment and social policies on
the basis of the Annual Growth Survey for 2013 and the Joint Employment Report;
– adopted the Joint Employment Report;
– agreed that the guidelines for the employment policies of the member states, adopted in
2010, will be maintained for 2013;
– endorsed key messages on the social situation and trends to watch in the Union, drafted
by the EU's Social Protection Committee.